This is an excerpt of a larger lecture about designing playful experiences, games-as-art, and my newest research in olfactory play experiences.
This lecture was co-sponsored by the Frank-Ratchye STUDIO for Creative Inquiry, the CMU Entertainment Technology Center (ETC), the CMU School of Art, and the CMU HCII.
In June 2013 I took part in a panel on Gameplay and Storytelling in science exhibitions at Ecsite 2013 – The annual conference of the European Network of Science Centres and Museums, where I delivered this short presentation on how to integrate gameplay into educational exhibits like those at science and technology museums.
For a PDF version of the presentation, which includes a transcript of the talk I delivered: Just click here! (pdf, 17mb)
For the Lift13 innovation conference in Geneva, Switzerland, I was asked to talk a bit about my research in sensual interface and gameplay design. My presentation covers a bit of my own work, and also gives an overview – with demos – of some recent innovations in luxury vibrator design.
Since giving this presentation in 2013, the public awareness of sexual wellness and pleasure innovation has increased dramatically and this presentation feels even a little quaint! I’m glad for whatever small part I played in bringing innovative sex toy design to the consciousness of a digital culture mass audience.